Locked in their stalls for months?

Did our horses have acres of fields to roam around in? NO, but did they get turned out, allowed to play and develop?  You call it.

Butch,a 5 year old percheron, and Sue, a 5 year old Hackney Cross


Cassa, a 4 year old Morgan cross, Natalie, a 9 year old Standardbred/Percheron,and Rita, an 11 year old Saddlebred/Standarbred

Again,  not locked in stalls


The girls cutting up


The red truck in the background? Look closely and you can see the bales of hay poking up over the roof of the cab.


Another in town turnout

These pictures of a turn out in the Old Town section of Chicago were found by Animal Care and Control to depict a "clean and wholesome" environment for the horses, but ours was not.  The pictures show mud, manure, and horses eating next to their manure. 

Horses eating next to their manure has been a hot topic since the seizure, despite it being a perfectly normal thing to do.  Foals will eat their mother's manure shortly after birth, in order to populate their gut with the necessary bacteria to digest food.  All of those Activia commercials that air are basically selling you helpful bacteria for your digestive system.